Rental Order
At the Sales module you have the option of the Retal Order Maintains a complete customer information, including alternate ship-to-addresses
Maintains customer current balance, open credit, last payment, last invoice number
Keeps track of customers open credits and deposits
Provides open statement formats on customers with optional user define aging information
Prints invoices, credit memos, statement and all other documents on plain paper
Tracks sales by customer and salesman
New customers can be added "on the fly" during transaction entry
Maintains individual Account Receivable account per customer
Maintains Foreign Currency per customer
Alerts you when a customer exceeds the credit limit
Customer cannot be deleted if it has an open transaction or open balance
Allows beginning and ending notes on rental order
Allows discount on a line-by-line basis on rental order
Accepts payments and additional discount at the time of invoicing
Convert rental orders to invoices instantly
Recommends substitution for out of stock items
Post to Inventory "Required" & "To Order" in Rental Order when out of stock items
Limits invoicing on Available stock of items
Tracks received, estimated, approved, repaired, notified and shipped dates in Repair Tracks rental items with or without serials, salvage price, deposit price and insurance price
Rental Order Process
The Services and Status for the Rental Order are very similar to the Repair Order. The Rental Order same as the Repair Order creates an Invoice during the process, but Rental Order has a specific requirement, which only Rental Item type in the Inventory file are rented in a rental order; based on this requirement, the user cannot edit the Invoice created from a Rental Order.
Another issue to consider in a Rental Order is to input the correctly rental rate and the unit rate at Rental Order page. The rental price comes from the Inventory Price Tab page.
Rental Rates can be:
o Hourly
o Daily
o Weekly
o Monthly
Rental Order Header
Rental Orders help you keep track of the rental items. At this page is where the user setups the rental rate and the units of time rented.
The Rental Order maintenance window has three pages or Tab: Rental Order, Detail and Payment & Notes.
The Rental Order page holds your customer’s data, the product to rent and the different rental rates of the order. It keeps track of different dates: order, due, delivery and pickup.
Rental Order Detail
Rental Order Detail page contains a list of the items to be rented on the rental order.
The rental rate comes from the Rental Item page, either: hourly, daily, weekly or monthly.
The Payment and Notes page is where you can add a beginning and a ending notes and where you can add a Payment Type when creating the invoice.